ACE Arctic Validation Campaign
Pictures of Eureka and AStrO: wildlife, facilities and surroundings

These pictures have been taken over the last decade of operation of the AStrO laboratory.  Thanks are given to the AStrO scientists and Eureka Weather Station staff who have left copies of their pictures at the Observatory to share with others.

Wildlife that can be seen around the AStrO Observatory and the Eureka Weather Station
Arctic fox
Arctic hare
Arctic lemming
Arctic wolf
Arctic wolves
Arctic musk ox (in summer)
Polar bear

Where we are staying:  Eureka Weather Station
Eureka on the way in from the airport
Front door of the Weather Station
View of Eureka from fjord
The only way to get to Eureka in February
Twin Otter at Resolute Bay

Where we work:  Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Observatory (AStrO)
Road up to AStrO
AStrO from the North Ridge
Closer view of AStrO Lab
AStrO from the West Ridge
Satellite communications for Eureka and AStrO
Truck to bring water to the Observatory

The beautiful environment around us:
Windswept scene in Eureka
Blacktop Ridge
Iceberg in Slidre Fjord (with snowmobiles for scale)
View of iceberg
Glaciers from the air
Mist over Eureka Sound
Low sun at noon from AStrO
Summer flowers
Fjord in springtime

Summertime panorama