March 4, 2004

Is another day of Sun to much to ask for?

Richard B. left for AStrO a bit later last night since there seemed to be some high cloud overhead. He did get some measurements overnight and returned to report that there was cloud on the eastern horizon.

The Sun rose through the clouds and, by a little after 10:30am, it could be tracked. The clouds followed the Sun across the sky throughout the morning and the Sun was finally engulfed at 1:15pm. There was always at least a thin haze of cloud over the Sun. It was frequently accompanied by thicker cirrus clouds. Because of this, the Sun intensity varied significantly during the DA8 and PARIS measurements making setting appropriate gains a challenge. Richard M., Keith, Keeyoon and I made only four observations during the day with each instrument.

Clive and Hongjiang spent the day making solar and zenith sky measurements with the SPS and MAESTRO instruments. Annemarie worked on the BrO retrievals as the DOAS made its measurements.

Andre and Chris launched the daily ozonesonde with the synoptic radiosonde at 23:15 UTC. The Raven balloon launched with little effort as the winds were quite low: Andre did not have to run at all. The sondes reached an altitude of 7.8 mbar (30.9 km). Richard B. (a first time participant) was today's winner of the "guess the sonde height" challenge with a value of 8.0 mbar.

Best regards,