last Sunday in Eureka dawned crystal clear and relatively warm (-37 C
at the station, -29 at PEARL). Cristen, Felicia, Pierre and I dragged
ourselves out of bed, had an uneventful commute, and were up at the lab
and measuring by 9 am. It was a beautiful morning, with a hint of a
sun-dog and a light coating of hoar frost.
In the FTS lab, after a few start-up hiccups, the measurements went
really smoothly. The rapidly rising sun and cloud free conditions gave
us some of the nicest spectra of the campaign. We managed a total of 18
Bruker, 19 DA8 and 43 PARIS measurements, packing up a little early to
get Pierre back down to finish a job at OPAL before dinner.
Cristen had a very successful morning, getting the PEARL-GBS refocused.
It made direct-sun measurements throughout the afternoon, and was set
up to change itself automatically to zenith sky measurements at sunset.
Mareile and Tom came up shortly after brunch, and also had a productive
afternoon working on MAESTRO and the SPS data analysis.
By the time we left, the hint of a sun-dog and blown into one of the
best looking ones I have seen. As we reached sea-level, a trace amount
of sea fog made the rainbows reach right to the fiord. It really would
be tough to find a more beautiful daily commute!
After dinner, and another great ozonesonde launch by Jane and Andre
(8.2 hpa, 31982m), Cristen, Mareile and Oleg organized a game of soccer
against some of the UNCLOS sea-floor-mapping team. While soccer at -40
sounds like a tough call to me (and the ball was a little hard), they
all had fun - and rumour has it that our team won!