ACE Arctic Validation Campaign
Instrument Status Summary

Current Status: April 3

It was yet another clear, sunny, and very warm day! At the lab we got up to -9C, and even the station felt the heat, managing a very respectable -28C by late afternoon. The station is definitely feeling a little emptier, as most of the UNCLOS people really are out at their ice camp now. There are still a lot of military around, but as they eat at the "second" meal shift, their presence is much less intense.


Today's instrument status summary:

DIAL LIDAR: Measuring season complete, instrument "winterized".

DA8 FTS: 18 solar measurements alternating with the Bruker.

Bruker FTS: 18 solar measurements, alternating with the DA8.

PARIS FTS: 50 solar measurements, simultaneously with the DA8 and Bruker.

PEARL UT-GBS: Stray light tests near noon. Otherwise, normal operation, direct-sun 'sunny day' measurements.

UT-GBS: Normal operation, zenith-sky 'sunny day' settings.

SAOZ: Normal operation.

SPS: Gone.

MAESTRO: Replaced macros. Normal operation.

Ozonesonde: ARC-IONS totex 1200g ozonesonde launch, burst at 4.5hPa (35820 m).

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