though the sun still failed to shine out from behind the clouds, today
was a very productive day for the team. In the UV/Vis lab, Tom and
Volodya got the SPS/MAESTRO combination set up and installed on the
roof. Cristen successfully got the PEARL GBS operational on her own
computer, and spent time with Volodya trying to identify the problems
occurring with the PEARL-GBS computer. In the FTS lab, PARIS was
happily installed in its new location and several cell spectra were
recorded. The Bruker globar added some excitement to the day, with some
very dodgy behaviour - perhaps complaining about the inactivity of the
last 4 months? But it finally settled down and let us take some cell
tests that confirmed that the instrument line shape has not changed and
the instrument itself is working well.
We headed back to the station slightly early so that Matt and Pierre
could do some work at SAFIRE, stopping on the way to take pictures of
the 4 musk-ox who were conveniently beside the road. The fox has
continued to entertain us, but we haven't seen any bunnies or wolves so
far. Cristen, Rodica and Emily headed out for an enjoyable walk
in the calm and relatively balmy (-38C) twilight. After a delicious
dinner, Emily and Bernard headed back up to the lab for the night
shift. The thick layer of ice crystals which has been stopping us from
seeing the sun on the horizon hasn't been too much of a problem for the
DIAL, and they are accumulating a very impressive data set for this