It was a very productive Saturday in Eureka! At 0PAL, Zen and Pierre
re-attached the Bellow to the cooler tip of the E-AERI and are currently
running detector temperature tests. Emily continued to work on the RMR
CANDAC LIDAR depolarization channel upgrades. At PEARL, the sun finally
made it out of the clouds! Felicia got her input optics working and took
the first PARIS measurements of the campaign and Rodica also took
measurements with the Bruker. Volodya and Tom continued to work on data
processing for SPS and MAESTRO.
Meanwhile, I *finally* solved the UT-GBS low-signal problem (phew). A bit
of background: I’ve spent the last few days of trouble-shooting, with a
lesson on input optics from Tom, tons of help from Paul, and a lot of
rambling to everybody about my all my spectrometer woes (thanks
everyone!!!). Today, I found that a mysterious second slit had moved in
front of the spectrometer, blocking most of the light to the instrument.
Having corrected the problem, I’ve now started to reverse my
trouble-shooting steps and hope to have the instrument up and running in a
day or two.
After work hours, it’s continued to be a very sporty campaign. Last
night, we watched the hockey game (yay Canada!) and played some
shuffle-board (ok, maybe doesn’t count as a sport). This evening, Zen,
Paul, Keith and I played a few holes of winter Frisbee golf and a few of
us gathered to watch Canada win gold in curling. We’ll be sad to see the
Olympics wrap up tomorrow as they’ve kept us entertained most evenings of
the campaign so far…