The day started off with clear skies and warmer temperatures, allowing for good measurements at PEARL. Unfortunately, clouds rolled in at around 3pm, so the last measurements were taken well before sunset. We hope for better weather tomorrow!
At PEARL, Rodica took 70 MIR and 35 NIR measurements with the Bruker while Felicia took 57 MIR measurements with PARIS. Cristen made checks to the shelving in the Penthouse at PEARL for the PEARL-GBS and put the instrument through further tests in the UV-VIS lab. At 0PAL, Emily continued her work with Graeme (off-site) on the CANDAC RMR LIDAR's new depolarization channel, updating the necessary software code and testing the channel's optics. Zen worked with Mathias (off-site) on the E-AERI's retrieval algorithm, adapting SFIT-2 for emission spectra.
It seems as though spring is underway; today was warm enough up at PEARL that Felicia noticed the ice and snow finally starting to melt. The warmer weather allowed Paul, Cristen, Zen and Keith to play a round of team Frisbee golf after dinner - a very close match!