Today was particularly cold, hitting lows around -52 with the wind chill.
Despite a blizzard occuring in the nearby settlements of Resolute Bay and
Cambridge Bay, it was relatively sunny throughout the day, making for a good
day of measurements.
At 0PAL, Zen finished preparing the MR, Agilent, and Stirling Cooler for
transport back to the E-AERI's manufacturer on tomorrow's flight. Emily
worked on installing the new temperature module for the CANDAC RMR LIDAR after
tests showed the polarotor was working successfully.
At PEARL, Felicia took 46 measurements of the Mid-IR using PARIS. Rodica took
34 measurements of the mid-IR and 14 of the near-IR using the Bruker after
aligning the detector using a tungsten light source. Cristen worked on new
lamp tests with Paul for the PEARL-GBS, which may help improve the focus and
resolution of the instrument.