Another beautiful sunny day in Eureka! Temperatures continued to stay pretty cool at around -42, but that didn't stop everyone from making it to work bright and early this morning. A caribou was spotted on the road up to PEARL, and luckily this time a photo was taken :)
At PEARL, Felicia took 54 MIR measurements with PARIS while Rodica took 47 MIR and 54 NIR measurements with the Bruker. Cristen continued work on the PEARL-GBS while taking measurements with the UT-GBS. Down at 0PAL, Emily worked late into the night on the CANDAC RMR LIDAR since the laser isn't being turned on this evening, aligning the optics for the new depolarization channel while Zen worked on fixing the software for remote communication with the E-AERI.
After dinner, Cristen and Zen went for a walk along the road to PEARL up to the 80deg North sign. Unfortunately they didn't see any wildlife along their way. Even though it was pretty cold out, it was definitely worth it - and it helped digest the huge, amazing turkey dinner we just finished!