Once again, the weather at Eureka is absolutely beautiful with clear, sunny skies. Rodica, Felicia, Cristen and Zen went to PEARL with Emily staying down at 0PAL today. Felicia took 50 MIR measurements with PARIS, Rodica took 43 MIR and 75 NIR measurements with the Bruker, and Cristen took measurements with the UT-GBS.
Meanwhile, at 0PAL Emily worked with Graeme (off-site) on the new depolarization channel - testing the optical alignment, laser beam spread, and the PMT installation.
While it was still very cold down at the station, temperatures were much warmer up at PEARL (-24). So, Cristen, Zen, Paul, Jonathan and Keith went for a hike around PEARL and took some fantastic photographs.
Right now we've all got our 'Oscar Ballots' in our hands, and we're going to see who can predict the winners!