The 2012 ACE Validation Campaign has begun!
Four experienced ACE Validation Campaigners - Emily, Joseph, Volodya and Xiaoyi - and two new - Dan and Debora - landed safely at Eureka around 8:00 pm on Tuesday, February 21.
The sun is expected to rise for a short time tomorrow, and they will be ready!
Upon arriving in Eureka, the first order of business was to unload the gear and supplies (including food, weather balloons and spare parts for instruments) and eat dinner.
Emily couldn't wait until morning to ensure all was well in the CRL Lidar lab, and walked over to 0PAL this evening.
Everything looked good, and the CRL is ready for her to get started on modifications tomorrow.
The trip from Toronto started early yesterday (Monday) morning, with the team meeting at 5:30 am at the airport. From Toronto they flew to Yellowknife,
where they stayed overnight in anticipation of the remaining journey to Eureka the next morning.
The remainder of the afternoon was spent exploring the friendly and pleasant city, including a stop at Sushi North for an enjoyable dinner!
Everyone relaxed during the evening, as it had been a long day of travelling.
The flight from Yellowknife to Eureka was ideal. There were no delays or weather concerns - common inconveniences when travelling in the Arctic!
The Summit Air pilots were excellent, and didn't mind Dan's frequent photographs at each stop along the way (Cambridge Bay and Resolute).
After a tour of the Eureka facility and a safety briefing, the team is settling in and winding down for some rest.
Joseph, Xiaoyi, Debora, Volodya and Dan are excited to head to PEARL tomorrow and set up their instruments. Keep checking back, as we plan to update this site daily.
Until then, goodnight!