The team attempted to get to the PEARL Ridge Lab today, but was prevented from doing so because large snow drifts and very limited visibility made the road impassible. Due to the outgoing plane today, the runway was the priority of the Weather Station staff. The road will be cleared by sometime tomorrow.
Temperatures at Eureka stayed near -31 °C with a wind chill of -43 °C. The weather at PEARL was warmer than the last few days; outside temperatures were around -36 °C and the wind chill was -51 °C.
Working from the Eureka Weather Station, Joseph retrieved ozone from Bruker data. Debora worked on analyzing spectra taken during the campaign. Xiaoyi left the SAOZ connected to its GPS last time he left PEARL, and is curious to see whether it will be working normally when we return.
Volodya replaced Brewer 192's data cable and installed the instrument on the Eureka Weather Station instrument platform again. The Brewer ended up in the same state as before: no communication and abnormal behaviour after being reset. At the moment, he considers this instrument "not operational."
Emily and Chris ran the CRL lidar at 0PAL for a total of 19 hours today. Zen, working remotely from Toronto this morning, replaced the corrupted configuration file which had caused 0PAL's E-AERI to go offline a few days ago. The instrument is now operating normally. Zen has not yet heard back from ABB Bomem about what caused the problem.
Today's ACE ozonesonde flight occurred at 18:15 and reached an altitude of 32,451 m and 6.2 millibars.
In the evening, the team went outside to play Frisbee golf. The exciting result was the first direct sighting of an Arctic Hare this campaign! A few photos have been uploaded to the website's photo section.