The early morning weather was cloudy and snowing, so the team took a brief stop on route to the Ridge Lab at the 80° North sign to take a team photo. Shortly after everyone settled in at PEARL, the Sun rose above the thick layer of clouds and a productive day of measurements began. 43 mid-infrared and 25 near-infrared measurements were taken with the Bruker; 41 measurements were taken with PARIS. Joseph, Dan and Debora were very happy to have acquired the most number of daily measurements with their instruments in the campaign yet!
In the UV-Vis lab, Xiaoyi discovered the PEARL-GBS may be having problems with its CCD; it has been producing abnormal spectra. He saw similar problems last year, and has been troubleshooting accordingly. Xiaoyi checked all the cables and the filter wheel, but found nothing wrong. Xiaoyi has turned the PEARL-GBS off, and will perform more tests tomorrow. Xiaoyi also tested the new power system today, and it works perfectly. All the PCs are now able to restart automatically. The UT-GBS and SAOZ are both healthy and operating well.
Volodya put the winter insulation on the Brewer 069 tracker, worked on the instructions and packing list for Emily and helped Pierre in his effort to leave the lab building in a relatively clean state.
Emily joined the team at the Ridge Lab between breakfast and lunch to finish training for the extended phase of the campaign, during which she will be operating all the instruments. For example, this included changing the Bruker beamsplitter, which she did not have time to learn yesterday. In the afternoon, Emily returned to 0PAL and improved her data processing code. Chris and Emily took 24 hours of measurements with the CRL lidar.
In Eureka, temperatures were around -34 °C and snowing in the morning, -35 °C and -45 °C with the wind chill by early afternoon. At the PEARL Ridge Lab, temperatures were near - 36 °C (-50 °C with the wind chill) in the morning, and -31 °C mid-afternoon (-38 °C with the wind chill).
Today's ACE ozonesonde flight occurred at 18:15 and reached an altitude of 30,702 m and 8.1 millibars.