Cloudy weather rolled into Eureka today and temperatures increased a few degrees, reaching -38°C mid-afternoon. Temperatures at the PEARL Ridge Lab remained around -33°C (though with a wind chill of -46°C). The Polar Vortex is relatively weak this year, but is centered roughly above Eureka.
In the PEARL Ridge Lab's IR lab, no Bruker or PARIS measurements were taken because of the clouds. Dan re-installed the now-functional source cooler to the Bruker. Paul helped him prime the lines to get it working. With the cooler back in action, Dan attempted to run cell measurements with the MIR source light again. Unfortunately, the source still won't turn on due to an error. Dan checked the voltage of the MIR and NIR sources: neither have power. This was expected, but he wanted to be certain. When the sources were ran last week with insufficient cooling, the Bruker automatically cut power to them. It seems the Bruker did not restore power automatically when cooling resumed. Dan emailed Bruker's engineer, Gregor, for advice. Dan also put the old Bruker computer into storage (to be kept as a backup) and continued taking an inventory of the Bruker cabinet.
Sebastien installed the TCCON pressure sensor software on the new Bruker computer and tested taking measurements with it.
Over in the UV-Vis Lab, Xiaoyi worked on debugging the code that will eventually enable the UT-GBS to perform active solar tracking. The PEARL-GBS dome still has frost, but it has started to diminish since Xiaoyi and Paul moved one of the heaters closer to the patch. SAOZ, UT-GBS, and the PEARL-GBS are all taking measurements.
Paul continues to keep an eye on SPS, which is operating nominally.
Today's ACE ozonesonde flight occurred at 6:15 pm (local time) and reached an altitude of 24,461 m (20.3 hPa).