Canadian Arctic ACE/OSIRIS Validation Campaign
Daily Campaign Photos from PEARL
25-26 February 2016: The Journey to PEARL
27-28 February 2016: The first weekend at the PEARL Ridge Lab
29 February 2016: An encouraging day at PEARL
1 March 2016: Settling in at PEARL
2 March 2016: The first cloudy day
3 March 2016: High winds and a temperature inversion - Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds
4 March 2016: Ideal measurement conditions means stunning views
5-6 March 2016: A rather cloudy weekend
7 March 2016: Clouds and troubleshooting
8 March 2016: A snowy day in Eureka
9 March 2016: Outstanding conditions for an ozonesonde launch
10 March 2016: Back to clear skies and the revival of PARIS-IR
11 March 2016: Overcast skies and a quiet day at PEARL
12-13 March 2016: More blowing snow and an incoming vortex split up
14 March 2016: Returning to PEARL
15 March 2016: A glimpse of Sun
16 March 2016: A great day for measurements, a better day for a hike
17 March 2016: A brief day of measurements
18 March 2016: A perfect final day at PEARL
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