Monday morning started off as gray and completely overcast with some scattered flurries, and this did not relent as the day progressed. The temperature started off in the low -30s and slowly increased to only -30 degrees, making it the warmest day of the campaign so far. Unfortunately the warmth of the day did not help the team take advantage of the nearly 8 and a half hours of sun up that we had hoped to make use of today, and so no solar measurements were made by any of our instruments.
Paul spent the day making 30 test cell measurements, taking 10 each of HBr cell, no cell, and N2O cell measurements. He also finished processing all the raw data measured during the campaign so far into interferograms.
Due to the weather conditions (cloudy with scattered flurries) Ghazal was unable to make measurements and so the DIAL didn't operate today.
On March 5th, over at 0PAL CRL made 23 hours and 50 minutes of measurements using both lasers. Today Emily installed a new roof hatch webcam, and analyzed the measurements from the last few days.
Kristof took advantage of the calm conditions and tested a new calibration method for the PEARL-GBS suntracker. The method involved setting up a self-levelling laser in the tracker's line of sight, and then measuring the laser signal as a function of elevation angle. Working out the kinks in the process and repeating the measurements for multiple azimuth angles took most of the day.
The inability to make solar measurements allowed Erik and Sebastien to complete another HBr and HCl cell tests with the Bruker 125HR in the morning. After the cell tests were complete, they spent the afternoon unpacking and assembling the Bruker 125HR alignment kit that was put together by Orfeo Colebatch (University of Toronto) and which had arrived on the plane that brought up the new Eureka weather station staff on Saturday.
Today Gurpreet verified that the new SPS macro continues to work as intended, and that SPS is now working independently of MAESTRO. SPS was left to record any data it could despite the lack of sunlight.