Qarmartalik School Tracey and Kaley talk animately about the program planning The Grade 10-12s are not asleep (yet) 'So you want to be oxygen atoms?' Keith bodyslams the Grade 10-12 ozone molecule Earl (the science teacher) and his students are enraptured by Space Science! Maybe its the last class of the day.
'How big is the satellite, Annemarie?' Keeyoon's new sidekick (who expects Keeyoon to speak Inuktituk to him) Kaley the Snow-Girl Not too windy for recess! Grade 5-7s are very enthusiastic! 'Where is Resolute Bay on the ozone map?' 'Wake up Keith!'
What are Jennifer and Keith doing? Annemarie asks a hard question to the Grade 4s Kaley uses the diffraction grating with the Grade 4s The Northern lights on the ceiling! Throat singers The Grade 4s hard at work on their rockets Putting on the nose cone
Taking a break for the paparazzi Zoom to the Moon! Blasting off! It IS rocket science! 'Keeyoon, I have a question' All the Grade 1-3 weather scientists form into groups Drawing the weather
Proto-weather scientists working hard Smile for the camera Weather mobiles for everyone! Brian, Tracey and the ACE Eureka team Where has Resolute Bay disappeared to?

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